Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

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The case method is a teaching approach that uses cases that force decision-making to place students in the roles of people confronted with difficult decisions at some point in the past. In contrast to many other teaching methods, case methods require instructors to refrain from giving their own opinions about the decision in question. Instead, the main task of the instructor using the case method is to ask students to design and maintain solutions to problems at the heart of each case.

Video Case method

Comparison with the legal instruction manual method

The case method described in this article should not be confused with the phonebook method used in law schools. While the case method calls on the student to take on the role of the person who is actually faced with a difficult problem, the cashbook method asks the student to dissect the completed case-in-law. In other words, where case methods ask students to engage in prospective synthesis actions, casebook methods require them to engage in exercises in retrospective analysis.

Maps Case method

Comparison with "case study method"

The terms "case study method" and "case method" have long been used interchangeably. However, lately the meaning of the two expressions begins to separate. One of the causes of this difference is the popularity of the approach, called the "case study method," in which Socrates's conversation is replaced by formal written reports and presentations.

In the process of replacing Socrates' conversations with formal written reports and presentations, the "case study method" encourages students to add case material readings to their own research. This is in stark contrast to the harsh and quick "case of" case rules, which require students not to engage in any preparation that might "break" the case.

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Case for compelling decision

Case decision-making is a kind of decision game. Like other types of decision games, decision-making cases place students in the role of problem-faced people (often called "protagonists") and ask them to design, defend, discuss, and improve solutions to the problem. However, in stark contrast to the decision games that contain fictitious elements, cases of imposed decisions are entirely based on a credible description of the real event.

Case decision-making is also a kind of case study. That is, this is an examination of incidents that occurred in the past. However, in contrast to the retrospective case study, which provides a full description of the events in question, the case of forcing decisions is based on "disconnected narratives". This is an account that stops every time the protagonist finds himself confronted with an important decision. In other words, while retrospective case studies require students to analyze past decisions with help from behind, cases forcing decisions require students to engage prospectively.

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Criticisms of cases that force decision-making

In recent years, following corporate scandals and the global financial crisis, case methods have been criticized for contributing to a narrow, instrumental, amoral, managerial perspective on businesses where making profit-maximizing decisions is paramount, ignoring the social responsibilities of organizations. It is said that the case method puts too much emphasis on action and not enough on the wise reflection to see things from different perspectives. It has been suggested that different approaches to case writing, which do not place students in a manager's 'shoes', are encouraged to address this issue.

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Role play

Each case-making decision has a protagonist, a historical person who is confronted with a problem or problem that the student is asked to solve. Thus, in involving this issue, students need to engage in some level of role play.

Some case teachers, such as those at the Marine Corps University, put a lot of emphasis on role playing, to the point of addressing each student with the name and title of the protagonist of the case. (A student playing the role of a king, for example, asked "Your Majesty, what is your command?") Another case teacher, like the one at Harvard Business School, gives less emphasis on role playing, asking students "what would you do if you were protagonist of the case. "

Case Method Teaching Seminar

Historical solution

After discussing the student's solution to the problem at the heart of a decision-making case, a case teacher will often provide a description of a historical solution, namely a decision made by the protagonist of the case. Also known as "the rest of the story", "epilogue", or (especially at Harvard University) "case 'B'", the description of historical solutions can take the form of printed articles, videos, slide presentations, short lectures, or even appearances by the protagonist.

Whatever the form of the historical solution descriptions, the case teacher should be careful not to suggest that the historical solution is "the right answer." Rather, it must show that the historical solution to this problem primarily serves students on a basis they can compare with their own solutions.

Some case teachers will refrain from providing historical solutions to students. One reason for not providing a historical solution is to encourage students to do their own research on the outcome of the case. Another is to encourage students to think about decisions after the end of class discussions. "Analytical learning and problem solving," writes Kirsten Lundgren of Columbia University, "can become stronger when" what happens "is not answered.

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Complicated case

The case of classical demands asks students to solve a problem faced by a single protagonist at a certain time. Nevertheless, there are cases that force decision-making in which the student plays the role of a single protagonist confronted with a series of problems, two or more protagonists dealing with the same problem, or two or more protagonists dealing with two or more related problems..

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Taking force-making staff

Cases of imposed decisions made at places where historical decisions at the heart of the case are made are called "driving staff that compels decisions." Also known as "on-the-spot decision-making cases", the appointment of staff demanding decisions should not be confused with two very different exercises also known as "staff rides": a retrospective battlefield tour of the kind practiced by United. The Army state in the 20th century and the contingency planning exercises in place (Stab Reisen, literally "staff travel") was introduced by Gerhard von Scharnhorst in 1801 and made famous by the elder Hellmuth von Moltke in the mid-nineteenth-century years.

To avoid confusion between "forced-raping staff travel" and the different types of staff, the Case Method Project at the Marine Corps University in Quantico, Virginia, has adopted the term "Russell Ride" to describe the staff that forced the decision that it did. The term is a tribute to Maj. Gen. John Henry Russell Jr., USMC, commander of the 16th Marine Corps of the United States and a devoted supporter of the method of applying instruction.

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Sandwich metaphor

Cases of imposed decisions are sometimes portrayed by a metaphorical system that compares them with different types of sandwiches. In this system, the piece of bread serves as a metaphor for the narrative element (ie the beginning, continuation, or end of an account) and sandwich filling serves as a metaphor for the problem solved by the student.

A case of coercion in which one protagonist is confronted with two problems is a "three-story case". (The bottom of the bread is the background of the first problem, the second bread is the historical solution to the first problem and the background of the second problem, and the third bread is the historical solution to the second problem.) Similarly, the case of coercion in which the historical solution is not provided (and thus as with a narrative element) is the case of "open face" or "smÃÆ'¸rrebrÃÆ'¸d".

Cases of decision making where students are asked to play the decision-making role confronted with a series of decisions are sometimes called cases of "White Palace" or "slider".


Material case

The case material is any material used to inform decisions made by students in the decision-making process. Commonly used case materials include articles prepared for explicit purposes informing case discussions, secondary works originally produced for other purposes, historical documents, artifacts, video programs, and audio programs.

Case materials are available to students at various times in a decision-making case. Materials that provide backgrounds are distributed on, or before, the start of classroom meetings. The materials that describe the solution arrive at by the protagonist and the result of a solution that passes out on, or after, the end of the class meeting. (This is called "B-case", "remaining story", or "the discl.") The material that provides information becomes available to the protagonist in the troubleshooting process is given to the student in the course of the classroom meeting. (These are often referred to as "flyers.")

The case material can be either "smooth" or "raw." Purified case material is a robustly composed secondary work to be used as part of decision-making cases. (Most of the case materials available from home clearing cases and academic publishers are of fine varieties.) Raw materials are materials originally produced for reasons other than informing case discussions. These include newspaper articles, video and audio news reports, historical documents, memoirs, interviews, and artifacts.

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Published case material

A number of organizations, including case clearing houses, academic publishers, and professional schools, publish case materials. These organizations include:

  • Issues of Ivey
  • The Case Center Web page of the Case Center
  • Worldwide at the University of Michigan
  • Harvard Business School
  • IE Publishing in IE Business School
  • Nagoya Trade University & amp; Business
  • Columbia CaseWorks, IESE
  • Darden School at the University of Virginia
  • Asian Institute of Management
  • Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
  • Asian Case Research Center at Hong Kong University
  • Middle East & amp; North Africa Regional Case Initiative at the American University of Beirut
  • KgGuruji Academy [24]

The Three Mistakes People Make With Business Case Method

Narrative violation

The representation of a decision-forcing case should take the form of a story in which the protagonist is faced with a difficult problem. This can lead to a "mistaken narrative," a mistake that directs both case teachers and case-case developers to ignore information that, while important for decisions students will demand, makes it difficult to tell stories. This, in turn, can create situations where, rather than involving problems at the heart of the case, students "outline matter matter." That is, they make decisions on the basis of the literary structure of the case materials rather than the underlying reality.

Techniques to avoid narrative errors include avoidance of standard formats for case materials; awareness of metaphors and cliches; use of case materials originally created for purposes other than case teaching; and the inclusion of a deliberate "distractor" - misleading, irrelevant, or contrary to other information presented in this case.

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The case method gives students the ability to quickly understand complex issues, quickly arrive at sensible solutions, and communicate those solutions to others in a concise and effective way. In the process of doing this, the case method also solves a number of other things, each of which is valuable in its own right. By stimulating student interest, the case method fosters interest in professional matters. By placing such things in a living context, case methods facilitate learning of facts, nomenclature, conventions, techniques, and procedures. By providing a forum for discussion and concrete topics to discuss, case methods encourage professional dialogue. By providing challenging exercises in the art of decision making, the case method purifies professional judgment. By asking difficult questions, this case method empowers students to reflect on the specific demands of their profession.

In his classic essay on the case method ("Since Wisdom Can not Be Told"), Charles I. Gragg of Harvard Business School argues that "the case system, used correctly, initiates students into independent ways of thinking and responsible judgment."

Incompatible goal

While case methods can be used to achieve a variety of purposes, certain goals conflict with their nature as exercises in professional judgment. Incompatible objectives include attempts to use cases that force decision-making to:

  • gives an example to emulate
  • painting certain people as heroes or criminals
  • encourage (or prevent) especially the
  • behavior type
  • describes a pre-existing theory

Thomas W. Shreeve, who uses the case method to teach people in the field of military intelligence, argues that "Cases are not meant to describe effective or ineffective handling of administrative, operational, logistical, ethical or other issues, characters in cases should not be described either as a paragraph of virtue or as archvillains. Instructors/casewriters must be careful not to tell students what to think about - they are not empty vessels waiting to be filled with wisdom. the responsibility to think critically about the issues being discussed shifts to the students, in their place. "


The case material is often adorned with a disclaimer that warns both teachers and students to avoid didactic, hortatory, and "best practice" errors. Here are some examples of such rejection:

Use of case methods in professional schools

Case methods are used in various professional schools. These include:

  • Harvard Business School
  • Asian Institute of Management
  • Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
  • Richard Ivey Business School
  • John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University
  • NUCB Business School at Nagoya University of Commerce & amp; Business
  • Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia
  • Columbia School of Journalism
  • Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
  • International School and Public Affairs, Columbia University
  • Yale School of Management
  • Marine Corps University
  • Cranfield School of Management
  • Ad School & amp; Public Relations, University of Texas
  • The Institute of Business Administration, Karachi
  • Michael G. Foster School of Business
  • Institute of Financial Management and Research
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

University of Fujairah- MBA Program

See also

  • Business school
  • Competition case
  • Case study
  • Cash book method (used by law schools)
  • Decision plays
  • European Cleansing House Cases
  • Experimental learning
  • Harvard Business Publishing
  • Teaching methods


Source of the article : Wikipedia
