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Walter Hartwell White Sr. , also known as clandestine Heisenberg , is a fictitious character and the main protagonist of Breaking Bad . He is described by Bryan Cranston. A graduate of the California Institute of Technology, Walt had been a promising chemist who helped the company of Gray Matter Technologies with his close friend Elliot Schwartz and his girlfriend, Gretchen. He left Gray Matter abruptly, selling his shares for $ 5,000; Shortly thereafter, the company got many benefits, mostly from its research. Walt then moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he became a high school chemistry teacher. Breaking Bad started on Walter's 50th birthday, when he was diagnosed with Stage IIIA lung cancer. After this discovery, he attempted to produce methamphetamine and anesthesia to ensure the financial security of his family after his death and to pay for his cancer treatment. He was pulled deeper into the illegal drug trade, becoming more and more cruel when the series progressed, and later adopted the alias "Heisenberg", which became recognizable as a figure of a kingpin in the local drug trade. The creator of the series Vince Gilligan has described his goal with Walter White as "turning Mr. Chips into Scarface", and deliberately making characters less sympathetic during the series. Walt's evolution from the subtly schooled teacher and family man to the criminal brain and the cruel killer is the main focus of the event.

Although AMC officials hesitated to cast Cranston because of an earlier comedy role in Malcolm in the Middle, Gilligan plays it based on the actor's past performance in the episode of X-Files- written by Gilligan Cranston contributed greatly to the creation of his character, including Walt's background, physical appearance, and personality traits Both Walter White's character and the appearance of Bryan Cranston have received critical acclaim, with White often touted as one of the greatest television characters and most iconic of all time, Cranston won four Emmy Primetime Awards for Best Actor in the Drama Series, three of which respectively, becoming the second actor to do so since Bill Cosby for Spy in the 1960s. his fourth victory, Cranston tied Dennis Franz to the most victories in the category history.He was the first to win the Critics' Choice, Golden Globe, Prim etime Emmy, SAG, and TCA Award for her performance.

In a Spanish-language remake of MetÃÆ'¡stasis, its character was renamed Walter Blanco ( blanco into Spanish translation white ) and described by Diego Trujillo.

Video Walter White (Breaking Bad)

Character biography

Background and personality

Walter White is an only child. Walt's father died of Huntington's disease when he was six years old. He studied chemistry at the California Institute of Technology, where he conducted research on proton radiography that helped the team win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1985. After graduating school, Walt founded the company Gray Matter Technologies with Elliott Schwartz (Adam Godley), a former classmate and friend close. Around this time, Walt dated his lab assistant, Gretchen (Jessica Hecht). He left Gretchen and Gray Matter Technologies, selling his financial interest in the company for $ 5,000. Gretchen and Elliott later married and made a lot of money, mostly from Walt's research. Although they remain friendly, Walt secretly hates Gretchen and Elliott for profiting from his job.

At age 50, Walt worked as a high school chemistry teacher in Albuquerque, New Mexico, giving instructions to disinterested and disrespectful students. The work was so poor that Walt was forced to take another job at a local car wash to supplement his income, which proved very embarrassing when he had to clean his own students' cars. Walt and his wife Skyler (Anna Gunn) had a teenager named Walter Jr. (RJ Mitte), who has cerebral palsy. Skyler is also pregnant with their second child, Holly, who was born at the end of the second season. Other Walt families include Skyler's sister, Marie Schrader (Betsy Brandt); her husband, Hank (Dean Norris), who is a DEA agent; and his mother, who was never seen.


Season one

On Walt's 50th birthday, during his surprise party, he watched news reports about Hank's arrest of some methamphetamine drug dealers. Walt was impressed with the refund of the shabu operation, and Hank offered to take him as a ride to DEA's breasts. The next day, Walt collapsed at the car wash and was taken to the hospital; there, he was told he had an inoperable lung cancer and was likely to die within two years. During the trip, Hank broke the crystal ring; Walt saw one of his former students, Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), flee from the scene, and concluded that Jesse was part of the operation. Seeking to secure the health of his family by producing and selling meth, Walt traced Jesse and blackmailed him to organize the operation. Walt gave Jesse his life savings to buy an RV that they could use as a rolling meta lab.

Jesse brought two colleagues, Domingo "Krazy-8" Molina (Max Arciniega) and Emilio Koyama (John Koyama), to distribute the shabu, but they recognized Walt from Hank's breasts and tried to kill him. Walt improvised a group of red phosphors that killed Emilio and paralyzed Krazy-8. The chain of Walt and Jesse Krazy-8 at Jesse's house, plans to kill him. Walt decided to let Krazy-8 go after getting to know him, but was eventually forced to strangle him to death with a bicycle key after discovering that Krazy-8 planned to stab him with a piece of broken plate.

When they make larger meth batches, Walt and Jesse start using unregulated chemicals including methylamine, which gives metabolic blue color, Walt's signature product. Walt finally tells his family about his cancer diagnosis, and they urge him to undergo expensive chemotherapy using the money offered by Gretchen and Elliot. Walt silently refused money, using his medicinal income to pay for the treatment. Chemotherapy caused him to lose his hair, and he shaved his head and adopted the street name "Heisenberg", based on the theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg, which he used when he interacted with drug dealers. At the end of the season, Walt and Jesse plunge into business with the host of Tuco Salamanca (Raymond Cruz) drug. The partnership was unstable, but after Walt and Jesse sent their first meth batch, Tuco intimidated the couple by beating one of his own troops, No-Doze (played by Cesar Garcia), to death in front of them.

Season two

Walt "blue meth" became so popular that Hank noticed. Meanwhile, a paranoid Tuco kidnaps Walt and Jesse. They manage to escape, however, and Tuco is killed in a firefight with Hank. Walt explains his departure by claiming that he has become a fugue country as a result of his cancer drug and is just wandering around.

Walt hired an unscrupulous criminal lawyer, Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) to cover his involvement in drug trafficking and launder his drug money. At Saul's suggestion, Walt approached meth king Gus Fring (Giancarlo Esposito) and offered to work for him. Gus is reluctant after meeting Jesse, who now uses heroin with his girlfriend Jane Margolis (Krysten Ritter). Walt refused to give Jesse his share of their drug money, but Jane blackmailed it. After talking to a stranger at a bar about the family - not knowing that the man is Jane's father, Donald (John de Lancie) - Walt goes to Jesse's apartment and finds Jane and Jesse collapsed in heroin fainting. Walt accidentally changes Jane and causes her to choke on her own vomit, but he does nothing to save her and sees her dead. Walt has Saul clear of Jesse's connection to Jane's death, and convinces Jesse to enter rehab.

Meanwhile, with his cancer in remission, Walt undergoes surgery to remove any remaining cancer growth. Walt's induced references to the "second cell phone" - which he uses to deal with drugs - make Skyler suspicious, lead him to uncover many of his lies and go with their children. Right after his departure, two passenger planes collided directly over Walt's house; The accident was caused by Donald, who worked as an air traffic controller and was so overwhelmed with grief that he paid no attention to his work. Walt watched the accident in horror, not realizing that he was indirectly responsible for it.

Season three

When Skyler demands to know what Walt has concealed, he admits that he has been cooking shabu. Horrified, Skyler asked for a divorce in exchange for his silence, and demanded that Walt move. He finally comes nervously accepting the situation and helps Walt wash his drug money, but refuses to have anything to do with him outside the business. The rift in their marriage worsened when Skyler slept with his boss, Ted Beneke (Christopher Cousins). Walt tries to reciprocate by making an operant at the headmaster at his school, which puts him on unlimited suspension.

Needing money, Walt invited Gus to bid to produce shabu in the state-of-the-art laboratory hidden under industrial laundry. Walt originally worked with Gale Boetticher (David Costabile), but was worried that Gale would succeed him. He convinces Gus to replace him with Jesse. Two hitmen from the Mexican cartel employing Gus were ordered by drug lord Hector Salamanca (Mark Margolis) Ã, - Tuco's uncle - to kill Walt. Gus protects Walt, however, and directs the killers to Hank. Hank survived the next assassination attempt, but was temporarily paralyzed from the waist down. The powerful Skyler, Walt, pays for Hank's treatment, and makes a cover story about Walt's counting card in the casino to explain his money.

In the last episode of the third season, Jesse discovers that drug dealers in Gus's organization are responsible for the death of a friend, and that they have used Tomas (Angelo Martinez), an 11-year-old brother of his new boyfriend, Andrea (Emily). Rios), to perform the action. When the dealer kills Tomas, Jesse plans revenge, but Walt intervenes by killing his own dealer. Gus cleanser Mike Ehrmantraut (Jonathan Banks) drags Walt to the lab and threatens to kill him unless he tells them where Jesse is hiding. Walt frantically summoned Jesse and told him to kill Gale to make sure that they did not live longer than his usefulness for Gus. Jesse went to Gale's house and shot him dead.

Season four

After Gale's murder, Gus takes Walt and Jesse to the lab, and kills his partner Victor right in front of them in a terrible show of strength. Tension working under tight security created a rift between Walt and Jesse, and Gus took the opportunity to take Jesse to his side by telling Mike to train him in the hope of eventually replacing Walt. Walt knew what Gus was doing and gave Jesse homemade ricin to poison Gus, but Jesse never did. Meanwhile, Walt bought a car wash where he used to work and used it to launder his drug money.

After cleansing of Cartel influence in the area, Gus fires Walt and warns him that if Hank gets closer, he will kill the Walt family. Walt tried to use one of Saul's connections to make him and his family move, but found most of his medicine money had been used by Skyler to pay IRS Ted's fine to avoid their own investigated lives. After arranging for the safety of his family under the DEA, Walt decided to kill Gus, but found that the kingpin was overprotected. Walt pleaded for Jesse's help, but Jesse refused.

Andrea Brock's son got sick, and Walt assured Jesse that Gus poisoned the boy roughly, getting his help to get rid of Gus. Jesse told Walt that Gus was vulnerable when he visited Hector in a nursing home. Walt made a deal with Hector to appeal to Gus by arranging a meeting with the DEA. When Gus comes to the nursing home to kill him, Hector explodes a Walt bomb pipe, kills himself and Gus. Walt and Jesse lit a hidden lab, and Walt called Skyler to say they were safe and that he had "won".

After Brock recovered, Jesse said the boy might have been poisoned by accidentally eating Lily of the Valley berry, and Gus was irresponsible; Walt replied that killing Gus is still the right thing to do. The last scene of the season was the Lily plant from the valley in Walt's backyard, showing that Walt poisoned Brock to drive Jesse into action and further his plan to kill Gus.

Season five

Part 1

In the first half of season five, Walt, Jesse and Mike eliminated their connections to the destroyed laboratory, and started a new methamphetamine system with a corrupt pest control firm, using a resident's home to cook shabu when they were fumigated. They are assisted by Lydia Rodarte-Quayle (Laura Fraser), a representative of a conglomerate that owns the Gus franchise. Lydia leaked them information on where to get the necessary chemicals and in return wanted some meth to sell to the Czech Republic. A boy sees them in a robbery, and Todd Alquist (Jesse Plemons), one of the pest control workers, kills him. Horrified, Jesse and Mike leave the business once they get their money from the last meth batch. When Walt studied, Hank connected blue meth to Mike, he contacted Uncle Todd, Jack (Michael Bowen), a criminal with connections with the Aryan Brotherhood, to kill nine of Mike's colleagues simultaneously to delay suspicion; Walt was involved in a dispute with Mike, and shot him dead with anger. After several months, Walt had received more than $ 80 million from meth, and Skyler convinced him to stop.

The first half of Season 5 ends on the cliffhanger as Hank, while at a barbecue hosted by Walt, finds a copy of the Grass Leaves given to Walt by Gale, and from his writing, determines Walt is Heisenberg.

Part 2

In the second half of the season, Hank accused Walt of being Heisenberg, whom Walt neither confirmed nor denied. Walt said that his cancer had returned and he would likely die within six months, making the arrest a waste. Hank said they could talk if Walt handed over his children, but Walt refused and told Hank to "step on lightly". Walt eventually forces Hank to remain silent by making a fake video of false recognition in which he states that Hank is Heisenberg.

Walt buried his money in seven barrels in Tohajiilee Indian Reservation, and convinced Jesse to enter the relocation program. While waiting to be picked up, Jesse illustrates that Walt poisoned Brock. Jesse approached Hank and offered to help bring down Walt. With Hank's help, Jesse lured Walt into a trap by claiming to have found his money. Walt made arrangements with Jack and his men to kill Jesse, in exchange for promising to help teach Todd how to cook shabu. When Walt realizes that Jesse is with Hank, he tries to cancel a deal to protect Hank, but is subdued by Hank and Gomez. Just then, Jack and his men arrive and fire at the group, killing Hank, even though Walt repeatedly protests. Jack's men took all but a barrel of Walt's money and kidnapped Jesse; when Jesse is taken away, Walt evilly tells him that he watched Jane die.

Walt tried to persuade Skyler and Walter Jr to compete with him, but they refused. She kidnaps Holly, but has a conscience and leaves it to be found and returned. He called Skyler, knowing that the police were listening, and scolded him for failing to follow his orders, as a way of clearing his involvement in his crimes. Walt then hid and sent to live in isolation in New Hampshire.

After a few months, Walt went to the local bar, where he called Walter Jr.. and try to give him money. Walter Jr. angrily refused the gesture, however, and hung up. Feeling desperate, Walt summoned the DEA and surrendered himself. As he waits for them, however, he sees Gretchen and Elliott at Charlie Rose refusing his contribution to Gray Matter, and he is determined to return to Albuquerque to solve the problem properly.

When Walter arrived in Albuquerque - on his 52nd birthday - he intimidated Gretchen and Elliott to put the rest of his money into a trust fund for Walter Jr. He then visits Skyler and gives him the location of Hank's body so he can clear himself up as a suspect in his death, and finally admits that he is entering a shabu business for himself, not his family. As a token of appreciation, Skyler let him see his children one last time. He then arranges to see Lydia, secretly poisoning her with risin after knowing where Jack took Jesse. Walt drives to Jack's compound and demands to see Jesse. When they took Jesse, who had been chained in the lab and forced to cook shabu since his abduction, Walt dived on it while simultaneously lighting a remote machine gun installed in his car that killed most of Jack's men. Walt and Jesse killed Jack and Todd. Walt urges Jesse to kill him, but Jesse tells him to do it alone. Walt later discovers that he has been badly wounded by bullets from a machine gun. He answers the phone from Lydia on Todd's phone and coolly informs him that he will die. He exchanged nodding know with Jesse, who escaped from the complex. Walt took a moment to admire the laboratory equipment that Jesse had used, and finally succumbed to his wounds and fainted on the floor when the police arrived and swept the lab.

Maps Walter White (Breaking Bad)


Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan plays Bryan Cranston for the role of Walter White based on having worked with him on the sixth season episode of the X-Files science fiction television series, where Gilligan works as a writer. Cranston played an anti-Semitic with a deadly disease that carried hostage Fox Mulder (David Duchovny). Gilligan says that the character must be simultaneously disgusting and sympathetic, and that "Bryan is the only actor who can do that, who can do the trick, and that is a hoax, I do not know how he does it." AMC officials were initially reluctant with casting options, having known Cranston only as Hal's over-the-top character in the Malcolm in the Middle comedy series and approached actors John Cusack and Matthew Broderick about his role. When both actors refused, the executives were persuaded to cast Cranston after seeing the episode of X-Files .

Cranston contributed a lot to character characters. When Gilligan left much of Walter's unexplained past during the development of the series, the actor wrote his own story for the character. At the beginning of the event, Cranston earned 10 pounds to reflect the personal decline of the characters. She has a natural red highlight from her brown hair. She collaborated with designer Kathleen Detoro's costume in a mostly green and brown neutral cupboard to create a bland and unremarkable character, and worked with the Frieda Valenzuela makeup artist to create a mustache she described as "impotent" and like a "caterpillar". Cranston also repeatedly identified the elements in the script in which he disagreed with how the character was handled, and has gone so far as to summon Gilligan directly when he can not resolve the dispute with the episode scriptwriters. Cranston says he was inspired in part by his father because of how Walt brings himself physically, which he describes as "slightly bent, never erect, [as if] the burden of the world is on this man's shoulder". Unlike his character, Cranston is portrayed as a very playful on set, with Aaron Paul describing it as "a child trapped in a man's body".

Gilligan said it was difficult to write for Walter White because his character was very dark and morally questionable: "I will skip the show when it ends, but to some extent it will be a relief not to have Walt in my head anymore." As the series progresses, Gilligan and staff the author of Breaking Bad makes Walter less sympathetic. Gilligan said, "He's changed from a protagonist to an antagonist.We want to get people to question who they are pulling, and why." Cranston said in the fourth season: "I think Walt knows better to be a pursuer than he's after, he's fine on his way to badass." Regarding White's fate in the ending series, Cranston predicts it as "ugly (without redemption)", although earlier, Gilligan expressed his plan to "end in a high tone, in a way that will satisfy everyone". Walter White - Breaking Bad Quote - Canvas Art Print ...


Walter White's character development as well as the performance of Bryan Cranston has received tremendous critical acclaim. Walter White is considered one of the greatest and most iconic characters in television history.


The web magazine Grantland cited Andy Greenwald as analyzing Walter White differently than some of the others, including Vince Gilligan. Greenwald stated:

Ever since watching [the fifth season episode, "Confessions," I have been thinking a lot about Walter White, the 'shadow' of his last CAT scan, and the dark clouds that have long held his heart. The closer we get to the end, the more Walt wrestles around and the eyelashes like the rats when it's surrounded, the less I buy Vince Gilligan overall 'Mr. Chips for Scarface's quote as an analogy to Walt's transformation. That is the route the character has taken during these five seasons, of course, in the context of the change. But I think the most horrible part of Breaking Bad is probably that Walt, in essence, has not really changed at all. It's not greed or generosity or cancer or fear that triggers this government of death and destruction. That's hatred. Hate, burning anger, a kind not caused by bad treatment but because your innate, harmed knowledge is better than the treatment said, better than everyone who somehow has gotten better than you for years, year.... Every time Walt spends time in front of the class, he thinks about how it is behind it. He's a genius; he was destined to be a billionaire, not a castrated cross between stepping stones and a doormat. When you do, Walt is anxious to teach everyone... a lesson, and I do not mean in Mr. style. Chips.

Similarly, Scott Meslow writes in The Atlantic that Walt's capacity for criminals comes long before the series begins, and that cancer is just a catalyst: "all the elements that have turned it into a monster are already in place."

New York authors Emma Rosenblum says Bryan Cranston "pulls out the unattractive white with perfect subtlety: pale wax, shoulder slump, and palpable havoc". Author of The Hollywood Reporter Tim Goodman hailed the courageous decision of Vince Gilligan to turn Walter White into an unsympathetic character: "You do not take the main character and make it out of favor, you just do not. some have actually done that so far. "Robert Bianco from USA Today calls Walt" one of the greatest drama creations ever on our TV screen. " In 2011, the New York Times named Cranston as one of the "eight actors who turn television into art". Following the conclusion of the show, actor Anthony Hopkins wrote a fan letter to Cranston, where he praised the show and called the appearance of Cranston as Walter White the best acting he ever saw.


Cranston has received numerous awards and nominations for his performance as Walter White. During the first three seasons he won the Emmy Primetime Award for Best Actor in a Drama Series three times in a row, becoming the first actor to achieve this feat since Bill Cosby for I Spy. Cranston was also nominated in 2012 and 2013 for the fourth season and the first half of season five, but lost to Damian Lewis to Homeland and Jeff Daniels for The Newsroom , respectively. She also won her fourth Emmy Primetime Award for Best Actor in Drama Series, at the 66th Prime 66 Emmy Awards

At the annual Golden Globe Awards, Cranston has been nominated for Best Actor - Television Series Drama award on four occasions for his role in Breaking Bad, in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, winning in 2014 for the second half of the season five. At the Screen Actors Guild Awards, Cranston has been nominated for Male Actor in Serial Drama five times, in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, winning in 2013 and 2014, for both parts of season five. Also, Cranston has been nominated with the rest of the Players for Performance by Ensemble in the Drama Series, in 2012, 2013 and 2014, winning in 2014.

In addition, Cranston has won the Satellite Award for Best Actor: Drama Series three times in a row, in 2008, 2009 and 2010, for season one, two and three, and has been nominated in 2011, 2012 and 2014 for season four and five. He won the TCA Award for Individual Achievement in Drama in 2009, and was nominated in 2010, 2012 and 2013; nominated twice for Prism Award for Best Appearance in Storyline Multi-Epithode Drama Series; won two Saturn Awards for Best Actor on Television in 2012 and 2013 (binding with Kevin Bacon for The Following at the last occasion), and was nominated in 2009, 2010 and 2011; and won the Golden Nymph Award for Extraordinary Actors in a Drama Series in 2013.

Maya Vray Walter White (Breaking Bad) render by Adnane Cherradi ...

Real-life impact

Cult follows

Over time Walter White has developed the following heretical stream, cultivating fan sites such as "Heisenberg Labs", "Walt's Wardrobe", and "Save Walter White", which is an exact replica of Walter White's children's website creating in series to raise money into paying for his father's cancer treatment. A stylish Breaking Bad video game platform has been created as a tribute to Walter White. In 2015, the creator of the series, Vince Gilligan, publicly asked fans of this series to stop reviving the scene where Walter angrily threw the pizza on his roof after his wife refused to let him in; this comes after complaints from real life owners at home. Cranston repeated his role as a character in an advertisement for Esurance that aired during Super Bowl XLIX, one week before the premiere of Breaking Bad Spin-off Saul's Better Call.

Obituaries and burial

The Breaking Bad fan group puts a paying obituary for Walter White at the Albuquerque Journal on October 4, 2013. On October 19, 2013, actor Jackamoe Buzzell organized a funeral procession (including a hearse and a replica White meth lab RV) and service for characters held at Albuquerque's Sunset Memorial Park cemetery. A tombstone was placed with a photograph of Cranston as White, which was permanently located on the outside wall at 6855 4th St. NW Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107. While some residents were unhappy with the emergency grave site for the closure with the show, the tickets for the event gathered more than $ 30,000 for a local charity called Albuquerque Healthcare for the Homeless.

Alternative theory of death

Many fans Breaking Bad , including actor Norm Macdonald and writer magazine New York Emily Nussbaum, proposed the theory, where most of the end of the series took place in the mind of Walt, and he really dead in Volvo which was stolen at the beginning. While Nussbaum merely stated that it would be the end of the preferred, MacDonald stressed that seem unreal scenario of the last days of Walt, and what he regarded as acting unreliable. However, series creator Vince Gilligan disprove this theory, explains that Walt is not possible to know a few things going on, such as Jesse held in captivity by the gang of Jack instead killed by them, or that Todd has started meeting with Lydia about methamphetamine trade.

Walter White-breaking bad by andresarte on DeviantArt

In popular culture

  • Walter White has several guest cameo appearances in several comic publications, including:
    • Comics IDW ' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles # 27 and Mars Attacks! Robot vs. Zombi
    • The Fairy Fairy Tales one-shot issue Dark Queen (January 2014)
  • On December 10, 2016, Cranston appeared as Walter on Saturday Night Live .



Walter White's Heisenberg Hat -

Further reading

  • Egner, Jeremy (March 19, 2010). "On Character: Bryan Cranston at Breaking Bad ". New York Times . Retrieved July 13, 2012 .
  • VICE - The Real Walter White

External links

  • Walter White at

Source of the article : Wikipedia
