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Mary McLeod Bethune - Activist, Educator, Civil Rights Activist ...

Mary Jane McLeod Bethune (born Mary Jane McLeod ; July 10, 1875 - May 18, 1955) is an American educator, women activist, philanthropist, human rights activist and most civilian known for starting a private school for African-American students in Daytona Beach, Florida. He draws donations of time and money, and develops an academic school as a college. It then continues to grow as the University of Bethune-Cookman. He was also appointed national advisor to president Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of what is known as his Black Cabinet. He is known as "First Lady of Struggle" because of her commitment to gain a better life for African Americans.

Born in Mayesville, South Carolina, for an elderly slave, he started working in the field with his family at the age of five. He took an early interest to be educated; with the help of donors, Bethune attended college hoping to become a missionary in Africa. He started school for African-American girls in Daytona Beach, Florida. Then joined a private institution for African-American children, and is known as Bethune-Cookman School. Bethune maintains high standards and promotes schools with tourists and donors, to demonstrate what an educated African American can do. He was president of college from 1923 to 1942, and from 1946 to 1947. He was one of the few women in the world who served as college president at the time.

Bethune is also active in women's clubs, which is a strong civilian organization that supports welfare and other needs, and becomes a national leader. After working on the presidential campaign for Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932, he was invited as a member of his Black Cabinet. He counseled him about black worries and helped share Roosevelt's message and achievements with blacks, who have historically been Republican voters since the Civil War. By this time, blacks had largely lost their rights in the South since the turn of the century, so he spoke to black voters throughout the North. After his death, columnist Louis E. Martin said, "He gives his faith and hope as if they were pills and he's sort of a doctor."

The award includes the appointment of his home in Daytona Beach as a National Historic Landmark, his home in Washington, DC as a National Historic Site, and the installation of his own memorial statue at Lincoln Park in Washington, DC The Florida legislature is expected to appoint it in 2018 as the subject of one of two sculptures Florida in the National Statue Hall Collection.

Video Mary McLeod Bethune

Early life and education

McLeod was born in 1875 in a small wooden cottage near Mayesville, South Carolina, on a rice and cotton farm in Sumter County. He is the fifteenth of seventeen children born to Sam and Patsy (McIntosh) McLeod, both ex-slaves. Most of his siblings were born of slavery. His mother works for his former teacher, and his father plants cotton near a big house they call "The Homestead."

Her parents wanted to be independent so they had to make sacrifices to buy farmland for the family. As a child, Mary will accompany her mother to wash the "white man". Left into the nursery, Mary became fascinated with their toys. One day he picked up a book and when he opened it, a white boy took it from him, saying he did not know how to read. Mary decided that the only difference between white and colored people was the ability to read and write. He was inspired to learn.

McLeod attended a one-room black school in Mayesville, Trinity Mission School, run by the Presbyterian Freedmen Mission Board. She is the only child in her family who goes to school, so every day, she teaches her family what she has learned. To get to and from school, Mary walks five miles each day. His teacher, Emma Jane Wilson, became a significant mentor in his life. Wilson has followed Scotia Seminary (now Barber-Scotia College). He helped McLeod attend the same school with a scholarship, which he did from 1888-1893. The following year, he attended the Mighty Institute for the House and Foreign Mission of Dwight L. Moody in Chicago (now Moody Bible Institute), hoping to be a missionary in Africa. Told that black missionaries are not needed, he plans to teach, because education is the main goal among African Americans.

Maps Mary McLeod Bethune

Marriage and family

McLeod married Albertus Bethune in 1898, and they stayed for a year in Savannah, Georgia, where he did social work. They have a son, named Albert. Coyden Harold Uggams, a visiting Presbyterian priest, persuaded the couple to move to Palatka, Florida, to run a mission school. Bethunes moved in 1899; Mary runs a mission school and starts outreach to prisoners. Albertus left the family in 1907; he never divorced but moved to South Carolina. He died in 1918 of tuberculosis.

Mary McLeod Bethune, fully Mary Jane McLeod Bethune | Great ...

Teaching career


with Lucy Craft Laney

Bethune worked as a teacher briefly in an elementary school in Sumter County. In 1896, he began teaching at the Haines Normal and Industrial Institute in Augusta, Georgia, which was part of the Presbyterian mission organized by the northern trials. The company was founded and run by Lucy Craft Laney. As the daughter of a former slave, Laney runs her school in the spirit of Christian missionaries, emphasizing character and practical education for girls. He also accepts boys who seem eager to learn. Laney's mission is to inspire Christian moral education in his students to arm them for the challenges of their lives. This year at Laney school, Bethune said,

I was so impressed with his courage, his extraordinary touch in everything, his seemingly endless energy and immense power to gain the respect and admiration of his students and all who knew him. He handles his domain with the art of a master.

Bethune adopted many of Laney's educational philosophies, including his emphasis on educating girls and women to improve the condition of blacks: "I believe that the greatest hope for the development of my race lies in training our women thoroughly and practically." (This is a strategy followed by organizers in many developing countries Educating women improves overall family life.) After a year in Haines, Bethune was transferred by the Presbyterian mission to the Kindell Institute in Sumter, South Carolina, where she had met her husband when this.

School in Daytona

After her marriage and moving to Florida, Bethune became determined to start school for girls. Bethune moved from Palatka to Daytona because it had more economic opportunities; has become a popular tourist destination and business is growing rapidly. In October 1904, he rented a small house for $ 11.00 a month. He makes stools and tables from discarded chests, and obtains other items through charity. Bethune used $ 1.50 to start an Education and Industry Training School for Negro Girls. He originally had six students - five girls aged six to twelve, and his son Albert. The school limits the Daytona dump. Bethune, parents, and church members collect money by making sweet potato cakes, ice cream and fried fish, and sell them to the crew in a garbage dump.

In the early days, students made ink for pens from elderberry juice, and burnt wooden pencils; they asked local businesses for furniture. Bethune later wrote, "I regard cash as the smallest part of my resources, I have faith in a loving God, faith in me, and a desire to serve." Schools receive donations of money, equipment, and labor from local black churches. Within a year, Bethune taught more than 30 girls at school.

Bethune also visited rich white organizations, such as the women's Palmetto Club. He invited influential white people to sit on his school board, get participation by James Gamble (Procter & Gamble) and Thomas H. White (from White Sewing Machines). When Booker T. Washington of Tuskegee Institute visited in 1912, he advised him on the importance of getting support by white benefactors for funding. Bethune had met Washington in 1896 and was impressed by his influence with his donors.

The tight curriculum keeps the girls awake at 5:30 am to study the Bible. Classes in home economics and industry skills such as sewing, women's hats, cooking, and other crafts emphasize independent life for them as women. The students' days end at 9pm. Soon Bethune added subjects of science and business, then high-level mathematics, English, and foreign languages. Bethune is always looking for donations to keep her school operating; when he travels, he raises funds. Donations of $ 62,000 by John D. Rockefeller helped, as did his friendship with Franklin D. Roosevelt and his wife, beginning in the 1930s, feeding him into a progressive network.

In 1931, the Methodist Church helped merge his schooling with the Boys' Institute of Boys, forming the Bethune-Cookman College, a junior college of coeducation. Bethune became president. Through the Great Depression, Bethune-Cookman School continues to operate, and meets the educational standards of the State of Florida. From 1936 to 1942, Bethune had to cut his time as president because of his duties in Washington, DC. Funding declined during the period of his absence. However, in 1941, colleges have developed a four-year curriculum and achieved full college status. In 1942, Bethune left the presidency, because her health was harmed by her many responsibilities.

Mary McLeod Bethune Memorial - YouTube

Career as public leader

National Colored Women's Association

In 1896, the National Colorful Women's Association was formed to promote the needs of black women. Bethune served as chairman of the Florida chapter of the NACW from 1917 to 1925. She worked to register black voters, who were opposed by the white community and had been made almost impossible by various hurdles in Florida law and practices controlled by white administrators. He was threatened by members of the resurgent Ku Klux Klan in those years. Bethune also served as president of the South-East Asian Women's Club Federation from 1920 to 1925, working to improve opportunities for black women.

He was elected NACW's national president in 1924. While the organization was struggling to raise funds for regular operations, Bethune imagined they acquired the headquarters and hired a professional executive secretary; He applied this when NACW bought property at 1318 Vermont Avenue in Washington, DC. He led him into the first black-controlled organization with headquarters in the capital.

Getting a national reputation, in 1928, Bethune was invited to attend the Children's Welfare Conference called by Republican President Calvin Coolidge. In 1930 President Herbert Hoover appointed him to the White House Conference on Children's Health.

Southeast Asian Women's Club Association

The South-East Asian Women's Club Federation (eventually renamed the Southeast Asian Women's Club Association) chose Bethune as president after her first conference in 1920 at the Tuskegee Institute. They intend to reach out to Southern Women (especially white women) for support and unity in getting rights for black women. Women meet in Memphis, Tennessee to discuss inter-racial issues. In many ways, all women agree on what needs to be changed, until they come to the topic of suffrage. White women at the conference tried to impose a resolution on blacks. SACWC responded by publishing a pamphlet titled South African Women and Race Cooperation; it describes their demands on conditions in domestic service, child welfare, travel conditions, education, death penalty, the public press, and voting rights. The group went on to help register black women to vote after they were granted the right to vote a few months later after passing a constitutional amendment. But within states, and in other southern states, black men and women are largely deprived of their rights by discriminatory applications of reading and reading tests, as well as the requirements to pay voting taxes, long residency requirements, and the need to save and displays the note.

National Council of Negro Woman

In 1935, Bethune founded the National Council of Negro Women in New York City, gathered representatives from 28 different organizations to work to improve the lives of black women and their communities. Bethune said about the council:

It is our promise to make a lasting contribution to all the best and best in America, to appreciate and enrich the legacy of his freedom and progress by working for the integration of all his people regardless of race, creed, or national origin, into him. spiritual, social, cultural, civic, and economic life, thereby helping him to achieve the noble destiny of true and unfettered democracy.

In 1938, NCNW hosted the White House Conference on Women and Negro Children, which pointed to the importance of black women in democratic roles. During World War II, NCNW obtained approval for black women to be assigned as officers in the Women's Army Corps. Bethune also served as a politically appointed person and Special Assistant to the Secretary of War during the war.

In the 1990s, the headquarters for the National Council for Negro Women moved to Pennsylvania Avenue, located between the White House and the US Capitol. The former headquarters, where Bethune also lives at one time, has been designated a National Historic Site.

National Youth Administration

The National Youth Administration (NYA) is a federal agency created under the Roosevelt's Works Progress Administration (WPA). It provides a special program to promote aid and employment for young people. It focuses on unemployed citizens aged sixteen to twenty-five who are not in school. Bethune lobbied the organization very aggressively and effectively for minority involvement so that she got a full-time staff position in 1936 as an assistant.

Within two years, Bethune was appointed to the position of Director of the Negro Division, and thus, became the head of the first African-American women's division. He manages HIS funds to help black students through school-based programs. He is the only black agent from NYA who is a financial manager. He ensured the participation of black college in the Civil Pilot Training Program, which graduated from some of the first black pilots. The NYA director said in 1939: "Nobody can do what Mrs. Bethune can do."

Bethune's determination helped national officials recognize the need to improve jobs for black youth. His final report, issued in 1943 stated,

more than 300,000 young black men and women were given job and job training in the NYA projects. These projects are open to these youth, training opportunities and allow most of them to qualify for jobs that are hitherto closed to them.

In government, Bethune advocated appointing HIS black officials to positions of political power. Bethune's administrative assistant serves as a link between the Negro National Division and the NYA agency at the state and local levels. The high number of administrative assistants consisted of the work force ordered by Bethune. They help get better jobs and salary opportunities for blacks across the country. During his tenure, Bethune also encouraged federal officials to approve a consumer education program for blacks, and a foundation for children with black defects. He plans to study for the black workers' education council. National officials do not support this because of insufficient funding and fear of duplicating the work of non-governmental private entities. HIS ends in 1943.

Black Cabinet

Bethune became a close and faithful friend of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt. At the Southern Conference on Human Welfare in 1938, held in Birmingham, Alabama, Eleanor Roosevelt requested a seat next to Bethune despite the state separation law. Roosevelt often referred to Bethune as "his closest friend in his age group." Bethune told black voters about the work done on their behalf by the Roosevelt Administration, and expressed their concerns to Roosevelts. He has unprecedented access to the White House through his relationship with the First Lady.

He used his access to form a coalition of leaders from a black organization called the Federal Council of Negro Affairs, but later known as the Black Cabinet. It serves as an advisory council for the Roosevelt government on issues facing blacks in America. It's made up of many talented blacks, mostly men, who have been appointed to positions in federal agencies. This is the first black collective working in a higher position in government. It suggests to voters that Roosevelt's government is concerned with the black matter. The group gathered at Bethune's office or apartment and met informally, rarely minutes. Although as their advisors do not directly make public policy, they are respected leaders among black voters; they influence political promises and disbursements to organizations that will benefit blacks.

Civil rights

In 1931, the Methodist Church supported the merger of Daytona Normal and Industrial School and Cookman College for Men to Bethune-Cookman College, which was first established as a junior college. Bethune became a member of the church but was separated in the South. Basically two organizations operate in Methodist denominations. Bethune stands out in the mainly black Florida Conference. When he worked to integrate the mostly white Episcopal Methodist Church, he protested the original plan for integration because they proposed separate jurisdictions based on race.

Bethune worked to educate whites and blacks about the accomplishments and needs of blacks, writing in 1938,

If our people are struggling to get out of slavery, we must arm them with swords and shields and pride-their belief in themselves and their possibilities, based on a certain knowledge of past achievements.

A year later he wrote,

Not just Negro boys but children of all races should read and know the achievements, achievements and deeds of the Negro. World peace and brotherhood are based on a common understanding of the contribution and culture of all races and beliefs.

On Sunday he opened his school for tourists in Daytona Beach, showcased the achievements of his students, became a national speaker on black issues, and took donations. He ensures that the Community Meetings are integrated. A black teenager in Daytona at the time recalled: "Many tourists are present, sitting wherever there are empty chairs, no special section for whites."

When the US Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education (1954) that the separation of public schools was unconstitutional, Bethune defended the decision by writing in Chicago Defender that year:

There is no divided democracy, no class government, no semi-free districts, under the constitution. Therefore, there should be no discrimination, no separation, no separation of some citizens from rights that belong to all.... We are on our way. But this is the limit we must conquer.... We must get full equality in education... in franchise... in economic opportunity, and full equality in the abundance of life.

Bethune organized the first officer-officer school for black women. He lobbied federal officials, including Roosevelt, on behalf of African-American women who wanted to join the military.

Mary McLeod Bethune Memorial - Wikipedia

Death and reward

On May 18, 1955, Bethune died of a heart attack. His death was followed by an editorial tribute in African-American newspapers across the United States. Oklahoma City Black Dispatch declared him, "Evidence No. 1 for all those who believe in America and the democratic process." The Atlanta Daily World said his life was, "One of the most dramatic careers ever imposed at any stage of human activity." And Pittsburgh Courier writes, "In every race or nation he will be a great personality and make a noteworthy contribution because his main attribute is a persistent soul."

The mainstream press also praised him. Christian Century advises, "the story of his life should be taught to every schoolchild for future generations." The New York Times noted him, "one of the most powerful factors in the growth of goodwill among races in America." The Washington Post said: "So great is its dynamism and power that it is almost impossible to reject it... Not only its own nation, but all Americans have been enriched and glorified by courage, zealous, excited." His hometown newspaper, Daytona Beach Evening News, was printed, "For some people, he seems unreal, something he can not.... Is it true he has greatness?... Lessons from Mrs. Bethune life is a genius who does not know racial hurdles. "

Mary Bethune on emaze

Personal life

Bethune is described as "ebony" in color. He carries a stick, not for support but for effects. He said it gave him a "swank". He is a person who does not drink alcohol and preaches to African-Americans, taking the opportunity to punish the sober blacks he meets in public. Bethune says more than once that the school and students at Daytona are her first family, and that her son and her extended family are second. His disciples often refer to it as "Mama Bethune."

He is famous for achieving his goals. Dr. Robert Weaver, who also ministers in the Roosevelt Black Cabinet, said of him, "He has the most extraordinary gift in affecting the helplessness of women to achieve his goal with masculine cruelty." When a white Daytona citizen threatens Bethune's students with a rifle, Bethune works to be an ally to her. The director of McLeod Hospital recalled, "Mrs. Bethune treats her politely and develops goodwill within her so we find her protecting the children and goes a step further by saying, 'If anyone is bothering old Mary, I will protect her with my life.' "

Independence is a top priority throughout his life. Bethune invests in several businesses, including Pittsburgh Courier, black newspapers, and several life insurance companies. He founded Central Life Insurance of Florida. He finally retired in Florida. Due to the separation of the country, blacks are not allowed to visit the coast. Bethune and several other business owners invested in Paradise Beach: they bought a 2 mile (3.2 km) stretch of beach and surrounding property, selling it to a black family. They allow white families to visit the beach. Paradise Beach was later renamed Bethune-Volusia Beach in his honor. He also is the owner of a quarter of the Welricha Motel in Daytona.

Black History: Mary Mcleod Bethune - YouTube

Inheritance and honor

In 1930, journalist Ida Tarbell listed Bethune as number 10 in America's largest women's list. Bethune was awarded the Spingarn Medal in 1935 by the NAACP.

In the 1940s, Bethune used her influence and her friendship with Eleanor Roosevelt to secure luxury travel buses for Eddie Durham's All-Star Girls Orchestra, an African-American women's swing band.

Bethune was the only black woman who was present at the UN establishment in San Francisco in 1945, representing the NAACP with W. E. B. Du Bois and Walter White. In 1949 she became the first woman to receive the National Order of Honor and Merit, the highest Haitian award. He served as US envoy for the induction of President William V.S. Tubman of Liberia in 1949.

He also serves as an advisor to five Presidents of the United States. Calvin Coolidge and Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed him to several government positions, including: Special Adviser on Minority Affairs, director of the Negro Affairs Division for National Youth Administration, and chairman of the Federal Council for Negro Affairs. Among his accolades, he is the assistant director of the Women's Army Corps. He is also an honorary member of Theta Delta Sigma student.

In 1973, Bethune was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame. On July 10, 1974, the commemoration of the 99th anniversary of Mary McLeod Bethune Memorial, by artist Robert Berks, was founded in his honor at Lincoln Park (Washington, DC) It was the first monument to honor an African American or a woman to be installed in a public park in the District of Columbia. At least 18,000 people attended the opening ceremony (though one estimate claimed that about 250,000 people attended) including Shirley Chisholm, the first African-American woman elected to Congress. Funds for monuments were raised by the National Council of Negro Women. The writing on the pedestal reads "let him work praise him," while his side is engraved with a passage of "Last Will and the Covenant":

I left you dear. I left you hoping. I leave you the challenge of developing confidence in each other. I leave you thirsty for education. I leave you respect for the use of power. I leave you faith. I leave you racial dignity. I leave you the desire to live in harmony with your fellow human beings. I leave you responsibility to our young people.

In 1985, the US Postal Service issued Bethune honors. In 1989 Ebony Magazine listed it as one of the "50 Most Important People in US Black History." In 1999, Ebony magazine included it as one of the "100 Most Interesting Black Women in the 20th Century." In 1991, the International Astronomical Union named the crater on the planet Venus in his honor.

In 1994, the National Park Service acquired Bethune's last residence, NACW Council House at 1318 Vermont Avenue. The former headquarters is designated as Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site.

Sekolah-sekolah dinamai untuk menghormatinya di Los Angeles, Chicago, San Diego, Dallas, Palm Beach, Florida, Moreno Valley, California, Minneapolis, Ft. Lauderdale, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Folkston dan College Park, Georgia, New Orleans, Rochester, New York, Cleveland, Boston Selatan, Virginia, Jacksonville, Florida, dan Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

In 2002, Molefi Kete Asante scholar enrolled Mary McLeod Bethune on the list of 100 Largest African Americans .

In 2004, Bethune-Cookman University celebrated its hundredth anniversary of its founding as an elementary school. Former 2nd Avenue on one side of the university was renamed Mary Mcleod Bethune Boulevard. The university website says, "the vision of the founder remains in full view more than a hundred years later.This institute applies so that others can raise their heads, hearts and hands." The University Vice President recalled his legacy: "In the days of Mrs. Bethune, this is the only place in Daytona Beach town where whites and blacks can sit in the same room and enjoy what she calls the jewels of the students - their reading and songs.This is the one who is able to bring Black and White people together. "

The historical marker in Mayesville, Sumter County, South Carolina, commemorates his birthplace.

The Florida legislature in 2018 designated it as the subject of one of Florida's two statues in the National Statue's Statue Collection, replacing Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith.

Mary McLeod Bethune, Civil Rights Activist | Biography - YouTube

See also

  • African-American History
  • African-American Literature
  • List of African-American authors
  • List of people using US stamps

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External links

  • Bethune-Cookman University
  • National Negro Women Council
  • Bethune House as a historic landmark in Daytona.
  • Mary McLeod Bethune Council House: African American Women United for Change, Teaching National Parks Service with Historic Sites (TwHP) lesson plans
  • Biography and influence of Bethune in Volusia County (Daytona Beach), Florida
  • Mary McLeod Bethune with Line of Girls from School of World Digital Library
  • "The Passion for Social Equality: Mary McLeod Bethune's Race Woman Leadership and New Deal," a political biography
  • Mary McLeod Bethune, NCNW, and Prewar Booster for Equal Opportunities in Defense Projects
  • Thomas, Rhondda R. & amp; Ashton, Susanna, eds. (2014). South Carolina root of African American thinkers . Columbia: University of South Carolina Press. "Mary Jane McLeod Bethune (1875-1955)," p.Ã, 163-167.
  • Uniforms in A History of Central Florida Podcast
  • Mary McLeod Bethune Biography,, February 25, 2015
  • The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism
  • Michals, Debra. "Mary McLeod Bethune". National Women's History Museum. 2015.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
